Youth Leadership Training

John Maxwell’s Team of certified and trained speakers are offering youth leadership training and self-confidence skills in four key areas:

Stand Up & Be Counted (Stop Bullying)

Personal Character

Positive Self-Image

Learning to Fail Forward to Success


Stand Up and Be Counted

Diminish the power of the bully.

Lift Up

Use your power to help others.

Stand Up

Be confident in your value.

Pick Up

Help someone who is being bullied by picking them up.


Personal Character

Talent is never enough to succeed in life.

It must be coupled with good character.

Self Discipline

Be in charge of your life.

Good Core Values

The best insurance for the future.


Positive Self Image

Self-image is the single most important factor in determining your level of success in life.

You must believe in yourself.

You determine how others see you.

How you see yourself determines how you see others.

You determine your future.


Learning to Fail Forward to Success

Failure is an inevitable part of life

Everybody fails.

Nobody enjoys it.

We learn more from our failures than from our successes.

We can learn from failure, change and grow toward success.

Partner with Youth MAX for a unique opportunity to make a difference for the world.

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